You want to set up a citizens' assembly? We will be happy to advise you!
Before starting a citizens' assembly or during the process, many questions arise which we answer competently. We also give tips for public relations and provide experts.
If you have any questions, please contact our advisors or use our contact form.
![[Translate to EN:] Portrait Susanne Socher](
Susanne Socher
Phone: +49 30 - 42082367

Thorsten Sterk
Phone: +49 221 - 66966517
How does the sortition procedure work? How many participants should a citizens' assembly have and what does it cost? How are experts selected and who moderates citizens' assemblies? We answer these and other questions here.
Citizens' assemblies worldwide
Citizens' assemblies are used in many places around the world. Here we provide an overview of the ongoing randomly selected assemblies that we know of. More
Many questions arise when organising randomly selected mini-publics in cities and municipalities. A handbook provides answers to all the important questions. More
Citizens' Assembly Network
In the Citizens' Assembly Network, representatives from citizens' initiatives, science, administration and politics as well as mini-public organisers and participants exchange views on municipal citizens' assemblies. More