02-06, 2025 09:30 AM until 02-08, 2025 04:00 PM Munich |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Hofkultur Pasing, Planegger Str. 25, Hinterhof, 81245 Munich In this three-day seminar, you will learn how to successfully apply Dynamic Facilitation, a unique facilitation method, in various contexts. This ranges from the corporate sector to citizen participation, in particular the Citizens' Assembly and the Wisdom Council Process. But you will also celebrate breakthroughs in individual 1:1 coaching with Dynamic Facilitation. Dynamic Facilitation is particularly suitable in situations where complex problems need to be solved or creative solutions developed. Here are some examples:
In general, Dynamic Facilitation is always suitable when diverse perspectives and ideas need to be brought together in order to tackle complex problems and find jointly supported solutions. The seminar will take place from 1 February to 3 February 2024 in Munich / Pasing and offers the opportunity to learn from experienced trainers and exchange ideas with other participants. Discover the potential of Dynamic Facilitation together with us. |
02-11, 2025 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Online |
Deliberative integrity: Risks and responses in mini-public governance |
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Location: Zoom video conferencing platform, You are invited to the online launch of Deliberative Integrity: Risks and Responses in Mini-Public Governance, authored by Lucy J. Parry and Nicole Curato. The report examines the challenges facing deliberative mini-publics (DMPs) or sortition-based forums for citizen deliberation, such as citizens' assemblies, deliberative polls, and citizens' juries. The launch will provide an overview of the report’s key findings, including the five main risk areas that can undermine the integrity of DMPs and responses to these risks. The report is informed by interviews with over 60 academics, practitioners, advocates, and practitioners of DMPs from around the world. The report offers practical strategies to strengthen the alignment of the governance of DMPs with the principles of deliberative democracy. Speakers Lucy J Parry is a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. She has been involved in organising deliberative processes in practice and her research on deliberative systems and democratic innovations. She is co-editor of the Journal of Deliberative Democracy and the Deliberative Democracy Digest. Nicole Curato is a Professor of Political Sociology at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. She is the Chief Investigator of the research project on Deliberative Integrity funded by the Australian Research Council. This event is open to anyone interested in democratic innovations and the governance of citizen deliberation. |
02-11, 2025 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM Ottersberg |
More democracy through citizens' assemblies |
Location: Haus Berkelmann, Zum Dieker Ort 13, 28870 Ottersberg The voter association Freie Grüne Liste Ottersberg (FGBO) invites you to the next public members' meeting on 11 February 2025 at Gasthaus Berkelmann in Fischerhude. On the agenda is the topic of citizens' assemblies, which Mayor Tim Willy Weber will talk about. There will then be an opportunity for discussion. There have already been two citizens' juries in Ottersberg in recent years. In 2022, a LOSLAND Future Council dealt with the topic of ‘Young and old in Ottersberg’. In 2024, another Citizens' Jury dealt with the design of the Bodderweg development area. |
02-13, 2025 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM Stuttgart |
Citizens' Assembly on Education and Learning: What citizens want for daycare centres and schools |
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Location: Landesmesse Stuttgart, Exhibition hall 5, 5C40, Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart What can education in Germany do better? The members of the Citizens' Assembly on Education and Learning have discussed these questions at length and controversially. In their latest recommendations, they argue in favour of compulsory daycare and the abolition of homework as well as more co-determination and better democratic education. Above all, however, their work shows how a vibrant democracy can function - and how important it is to take the perspectives of children and young people seriously. Members of the mini-public will talk about their experiences at Didacta in Stuttgart on 13 February under the title “Citizens' Assembly on Education and Learning: What citizens want for nurseries and schools’. The panellists are: Dr Karl-Heinz Imhäuser, Chairman of the Carl Richard Montag Förderstiftung and the Montag Stiftung Denkwerkstatt. He taught for twenty years at special, secondary and intermediate schools. He is a member of the ‘Inclusive Education’ expert group of the German UNESCO Commission e. V. Bonn, a member of the board of trustees of the IBA Heidelberg and editor of numerous foundation publications in the field of school construction and inclusion. Andrej Priboschek was education policy editor of the Rheinische Post in Düsseldorf before moving to the Ministry for Schools and Further Education in North Rhine-Westphalia as spokesperson and head of public relations. The journalist and social scientist later worked at the Institute for School Development Research at TU Dortmund University before founding the Agency for Education Journalism. Julia Hahn (26), childhood educator and mother of a two-year-old daughter. She has been a member of the Citizens' Assembly on Education and Learning since 2021. Maximiliane Junghans (13), pupil at the grammar school in Kirchheim near Munich and member of the Citizens' Assembly on Education and Learning. |
02-13, 2025 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Online |
What's up? Have a say: With citizens' assemblies and petitions |
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Location: Zoom video conferencing platform, With the event series ‘Was geht?’, the Mehr Demokratie Regional Association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Initiative Zukunftshandeln MV invite you to take a look together at what is possible in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beyond elections and what is already happening. Citizens' assemblies are becoming increasingly popular and are being used more and more often. How do they work, what can they do and what are their limits? And what exactly is the difference to citizens' initiatives, which are described as the “sharpest sword in the hands of the citizens”? This event on 13 February at 7 p.m. CET with Uta Rüchel (Initiative Zukunftshandeln MV) and Jana Wolff ( citizens' initiative) will address these questions. |
02-14, 2025 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Online |
More citizen participation for a stronger democracy? |
Location: Video conferencing platform Webex, In Germany, citizen participation processes are being called for and carried out more frequently - most recently the Citizens' Assembly “Nutrition in Transition”. How useful are such formats for increasing citizen participation? What results can citizen participation processes achieve? How can they be organised effectively and still be open-ended? And how can their demands become more binding in co-operation with government and administration? The participants in this episode of Climate Connect will be discussing these issues and exploring whether and what Germany can learn from Switzerland in terms of (direct) democracy. Speakers
Moderation: Sarah Pelull | Science Coordinator at the Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour, University of Erfurt The event will take place on the video conferencing platform Webex. |
02-19, 2025 09:00 AM until 02-21, 2025 04:00 PM Düsseldorf |
Seminar: Learning Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Düsseldorf Youth Hostel, Düsseldorfer Str. 1, 40545 Düsseldorf Everyone is talking about participation in planning processes, but now more than ever, successful participation needs to deal with a diversity of perspectives and openness to results. With Dynamic Facilitation, you can utilise the potential and everyday expertise of the people to be involved in citizens' assemblies, for example, and really include them. Dynamic Facilitation as a facilitation method and approach
In this 3-day Dynamic Facilitation foundation seminar, you will learn the basic tools of the method. You will understand the mechanisms of action and practise their application. Participants will work with issues and ‘challenges’ from their everyday lives and develop opportunities together. |
02-21, 2025 11:00 AM until 02-22, 2025 03:45 PM Königswinter |
Everyone on board?! - Involving hard-to-reach target groups in citizen participation processes |
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Location: Arbeitnehmer-Zentrum Königswinter, Johannes-Albers-Allee 3, 53639 Königswinter Citizen participation requires the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in order to fulfil its claim to democratic co-determination. However, reality shows that we do not reach certain stakeholder groups with participation programmes. Often ‘the same people’ always participate. These often committed people are undoubtedly important for our democracy and social development; their contribution alone is not enough. We also need the opinions of ‘the others’ who are not so easy to reach and who, due to their life situation, education or social position, cannot or only want to articulate themselves to a limited extent. But how can this be achieved? How do we manage to reach people for whom participation is not ‘close at hand’ and who live in conditions that make political participation difficult? These questions are at the centre of the ‘Everyone on board?!’ seminar. The participants will discuss and develop strategies together on how to reach people who are usually ‘hard to reach’ for participation programmes. Which methods can be used sensibly and how should processes be organised accordingly? The participants reflect on their own practice and identify opportunities for improvement in their field of activity. The seminar is aimed at organisers of participation and cooperation processes. A seminar organised by Stiftung Mitarbeit. |
02-24, 2025 06:15 PM - 07:45 PM St. Gallen (Switzerland) |
The potential of citizens' assemblies as a democratic innovation |
Location: University of St. Gallen, Dufourstr. 50, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland Lecture by Dr Alexander Geisler, Research Associate, Institute of Political Science (IPW-HSG), University of St.Gallen An event in the series "What is the future of democracy? Challenges & Solutions". |
02-25, 2025 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM Cologne / Online |
Intergenerational justice through citizens' assemblies |
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Location: Alte Feuerwache, Melchiorstr. 3, 50670 Cologne Climate protection and thus safeguarding the basis of life for future generations as a matter of self-interest - that sounds good at first. But what institutional changes to the political system make sense? The German Advisory Council on the Environment proposes the appointment of a Council for Intergenerational Justice with veto rights. Is that enough? Or do we need institutionalised citizens' councils like the permanent Climate Citizens' Assembly in Brussels? This event will discuss various approaches that are considered necessary to tackle the climate crisis. The event will be broadcast via live stream. An event in the series Future. Climate. Democracy. by BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz. Background: Climate action through citizens' assemblies? |
02-25, 2025 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Lüneburg / Online |
The sortition principle in democracy - what role can citizens' assemblies play in politics and legislation? |
Location: Foyer at Museum Lüneburg, Willy-Brandt-Str. 1, 21335 Lüneburg There is currently a lot of hype surrounding ‘citizens’ assemblies’, which are regarded as an innovative format for citizen participation. Randomly selected citizens deliberate on political issues - actually a tradition in politics that goes back thousands of years. Current examples include the Irish constitutional convention and the German Citizens' Assembly on nutrition. It is hoped that more ‘sustainable’ decisions will be made than through parliamentary legislation, as the participants act independently of party politics and re-election pressure. The lecture uses citizens' assemblies on climate policy to highlight opportunities and limitations in terms of democratic legitimacy and sustainable decision-making quality and discusses questions of institutionalisation. The speaker is Prof Dr Jens Newig, Professor of Governance and Sustainability at Leuphana University Lüneburg. The event can also be followed via live stream. If you are interested in the event, please register at An event in the University Social Tuesday series. |
02-26, 2025 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online |
Workshop: What goes wrong with climate assemblies? |
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Location: Zoom video conferencing platform, The OECD, Council of Europe and others have put a lot of time and energy into establishing principles and standards for citizens’ assemblies. These have been important to inspire good practice and as a way to challenge malpractice. The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) works towards ensuring high quality processes and outcomes. But rather than try to establish another series of standards for climate assemblies, this workshop approaches the issue from the other end. Namely, what goes wrong with climate assemblies. We can and should learn from our mistakes (wilful or otherwise). They generate insights that can help inform future climate assemblies to improve commissioning, design, delivery and follow-up. With this workshop KNOCA aims to provide commissioners, organisers, and other stakeholders with clear examples of common failings to avoid. KNOCA will not name individual assemblies but rather focus on the specific issues that can undermine the legitimacy and effectiveness of climate assemblies. Before the workshop, KNOCA will circulate a short draft of examples of failings in practice to catalyse thinking in the workshop. Participants will also hear short interventions from practitioners and evaluators about the most common failings that they have come across. Together, the participants aim to provide a roadmap of what not to do when commissioning, organising, and responding to climate assemblies. Speakers
Background: „Citizens' assemblies are real utopias“ |
03-05, 2025 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Online |
Citizens' Assembly Network: Digital mini-publics |
Location: Zoom video conferencing platform, Citizens' assemblies are usually organised as face-to-face events. People meet in one place in one room and come together. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced events to move online. A whole series of mini-publics took place online via video conference. Even today, there are still citizens' assemblies that take place digitally, at least in part. This online meeting of the Citizens‘ Assembly Network will show how digital citizens’ assemblies work. CONSUL will be presented as a platform for broader citizen participation beyond the Citizens' Assembly members. And there will be a report on the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in mini-publics. Speakers
The event will be recorded and the recording will be made available to network members afterwards. Please register at Learn more: Citizens' Assembly Network |
03-09, 2025 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM Dresden |
Dresden speeches: Unequally united. Why the East remains different |
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Location: Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Theaterstr. 2, 01067 Dresden For 34 years now, the Sächsische Zeitung and the Staatsschauspiel Dresden have been inviting personalities from national and international cultural and intellectual life to give a Dresden speech on a Sunday morning in the theatre. People from the worlds of politics, art, sport, science and journalism speak on a topic of their choice and thus make a contribution to contemporary discourse. These contributions are linked by the ‘Thoughts on Time’. Steffen Mau will speak at the Schauspielhaus on 9 March 2025. The Rostock sociologist and professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin recently delivered a constructive analysis with his bestseller 'Unequally united. Why the East remains different', he made a constructive contribution to the East-West debate by arguing that differences between the federal states should not be completely eliminated. In a time of excessive demands and either/or between the opinion fronts, Maus' plea reminds us that even in unity, differences should be allowed to persist. Mau also derives practical suggestions from his nuanced and always attentive observation as to how people can be helped to participate more directly in democracy in the future through citizens' assemblies. In 2021, Steffen Mau was appointed to the Expert Council on Integration and Migration by the German government. He received the Bavarian Book Prize in 2024 for ‘Unequally united’. Background: A laboratory for citizen participation |
03-17, 2025 10:00 AM until 03-19, 2025 04:00 PM Strasbourg (France) |
European Conference on Participation 2025 |
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Location: Palais de la Musique et des Congrès, Place de Bordeaux, 67000 Strasbourg, France As every year, a Europe-wide conference will also take place in 2025, bringing together all stakeholders in citizen participation at the national and European level. Be there for the 9th edition of the conference from 17 to 19 March in Strasbourg and from 20 to 21 March online! For the organisers of Décider Ensemble, the conferences thrive on the diversity of participants and the perspectives shared. All actors interested in organising and/or moderating an exchange at the European Participation Conference 2025 are invited to submit their contribution by 5 January 2025. |
03-26, 2025 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online |
Supporting members after the climate assembly ends: How to nurture action |
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Location: Zoom video conferencing platform, When climate assemblies and juries end, many members feel empowered by the experience. But support is rarely in place for them to take action. This is a missed opportunity to enhance impact. The Guidance 'Supporting Members After the Climate Assembly Ends: How to Nurture Action' published by the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) aims to help commissioners, organisers and funders to consider how structured support can become part of the climate assembly process in ways that can amplify climate action, foster inclusivity and maintain the momentum of assembly recommendations. Post-assembly actions include advocating for assembly recommendations, holding stakeholders accountable, and individual or collective climate action. Without support, post-assembly actions risks being dominated by those members with greater social capital, reinforcing inequalities. A lack of planning and resources can lead to disorganised efforts, disenchantment, or tensions within self-organised groups. At this launch event, you'll hear from co-authors Peter Bryant and Morten Friis who will introduce how different types of action that can flow from assemblies can be supported. This is your chance to:
Background: Climate action through citizens' assemblies? |
03-27, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wuppertal |
Democracy as self-government |
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Location: University of Wuppertal, Campus Grillenberg, Lecture hall building K, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal How do people want to live together? How would they govern themselves if they could decide for themselves? How would communities make their political decisions? Prof Dr Brigitte Geißel, head of the Democratic Innovations Research Centre at Goethe University Frankfurt, explores these questions in her new book "Democracy as Self-Government ’. She wants to encourage citizens and communities to develop their own visions of democracy and to decide on the democracy in which they live. She wants to revitalise the democratic spirit that is often buried under layers of political discontent, political mistrust and anger. Her book provides new ideas and is visionary in the best sense of the word. In this event, Prof Geißel will present her thoughts and put them up for discussion. An event as part of the Winter School 2025: Power (in) Democracy series organised by the Institute of Political Science at the University of Wuppertal. Participation in the Winter School is free of charge, the lectures are open to the university public, interested experts are cordially invited! |
04-01, 2025 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Online |
Climate policy lunch break: How does a citizens' assembly work? |
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Location: Online, The general population's approval of democratic reforms is high and there is a great desire for innovations to expand representative democracy. This is where citizens' assemblies come in: Sortition is used to select citizens who intensively examine a topic and the different opinions on it over a period of time. Experts also share their subject-specific expertise. The aim is to draw up a joint recommendation, which is then forwarded to the responsible parliament. There are now exciting findings on this form of citizen participation - including on issues relating to the climate crisis. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung would like to discuss this with you: Who and what is needed to successfully establish and run a citizens' assembly? To what extent can it succeed in winning over more people in favour of climate policy measures on the one hand and presenting politicians with demands that are capable of winning a majority on the other? What lessons can be learnt from the establishment of the Citizens' Assembly “Climate Protection in Saarland ”? With:
Moderation: Ellen Diehl, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung |
04-02, 2025 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Hilden |
More participation through citizens' assemblies |
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Location: WBZ "Altes Helmholtz", Room 6, Gerresheimer Str. 20, 40721 Hilden Many people no longer feel well represented by parliamentary democracy. They do not know what to vote for or express their protest by (not) voting. Discussions in and about politics polarise and quickly become unrelenting. The VHS Hilden-Haan and the Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Hilden cordially invite you to a critical exchange about our democracy. What is going wrong? What should be done differently? Are we at the mercy of the system, or is there room for manoeuvre? What should change? In the workshop, the participants will get to the bottom of these questions together. The event is aimed at anyone who has an opinion on the current situation and a desire for open dialogue. The aim is to gain insights into and an overview of various criticisms of our democracy. The event marks the start of the event series ‘Democracy in crisis - what comes next?’. Several event formats and workshops will be offered in the series. Among other things, it is planned to deepen the topic in a moderated group in an intensive exchange (approx. 4-5 dates in 2025). The workshop will be led by Achim Wölfel, regional director of the ‘Mehr Demokratie’ association. |
04-03, 2025 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Online |
Public relations for participation procedures |
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Location: Online, Accompanying and grassroots public relations work provides information about the work and progress of a participation process and is essential for the transparency of the process. But how can current information on the process be prepared quickly and comprehensibly for all those involved in the process, as well as for all sections of the population not directly involved? How can reporting be as balanced as possible and what mistakes should be avoided? Participation is free of charge. It is reserved for members of the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Consultancy Network (EBBS). |
04-03, 2025 01:00 PM until 04-05, 2025 02:00 PM Rehburg-Loccum |
Democracy, next level |
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Location: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Münchehäger Str. 6, 31547 Rehburg-Loccum In times of complex crises, our democracy is facing major challenges. With its interactive sessions, the Procedere workshop conference offers a platform for practitioners of procedural design and democratic development to exchange ideas on how the institutions and procedures of the democratic system can be further developed. The focus is on new forms of participation such as citizens' assemblies, constitutional reforms and opportunities for direct democracy. An event organised by the Evangelische Akademie Loccum |
04-08, 2025 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM Dieburg |
‘Democracy: YOU decide!’ - Citizen participation in politics |
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Location: District Office, Room 1108, Ground floor, Albinistr. 23, 64807 Dieburg Politics thrives on co-determination, otherwise democracy cannot take place. Many people are in favour of democracy, but are fed up with the way the political parties are (currently) acting. And now? On this evening, the event participants will deal with questions relating to citizen participation in politics, e.g:
The speaker is Stefan Knauth, member of the Hessian state board of the ‘Mehr Demokratie’ association. A course organised by VHS Darmstadt-Dieburg in cooperation with Mehr Demokratie State Association of Hesse. |
04-10, 2025 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Online |
Introduction: Citizen participation and democratic political decision-making |
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Location: Online, The participation of citizens is a feature of good practice in civil society organisations, which often act as a link between those affected, administration and politics. After an exchange of experiences, expectations and motivations with regard to participation in one's own area of work, the workshop offers information on participation as a pillar of democracy and important foundations for successful participation, including methods and examples. As part of a ‘mini simulation game’, the participants develop arguments for the implementation of more participation and, in small groups, design concepts with feasible steps for participation in their civil society organisation, municipality or region, reflect together on the results and receive suggestions for their own practice. Participation is free of charge. It is reserved for members of the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Counselling Network (EBBS). |
04-23, 2025 12:00 PM until 04-27, 2025 01:00 PM Nairobi (Kenya) |
People Powered 2025 Convening |
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Location: Nairobi, Kenya, (Venue to follow) The People Powered Conference 2025 will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23 to 27 April 2025. This is a unique opportunity to gain new skills, build relationships, develop shared resources, and build a more participatory democracy. The convening will feature diverse practices of participation and deliberation, to support work on democracy renewal, participatory governance, and citizen participation. People Powered also welcomes people working on other issues, who are eager to use new democratic practices for your work. Program
People Powered convenings are practical, productive, and fun! If you’re a civil servant, researcher, advocate, funder, or civil society organization that wants to expand democracy and people’s power, this event is for you. |
04-24, 2025 09:30 AM until 04-26, 2025 04:30 PM Vienna (Austria) |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Soulary, Siebenbrunnengasse 21, 1050 Vienna, Austria Unleash creativity: in agile leadership, in participation and especially in citizen participation processes such as citizen assemblies. In this three-day seminar, you will learn how to successfully apply Dynamic Facilitation, a unique facilitation method, in various contexts. This ranges from the corporate sector to citizen participation, in particular the Citizens' Assembly and the Wisdom Council Process. But you will also achieve reliable success with Dynamic Facilitation in individual 1:1 coaching. The 3-day Dynamic Facilitation seminar teaches this unique, transformative facilitation method in such a way that ‘DF’ can then be applied. The seminar is also intended as a practice and training room. Many people come back to the DF seminar after a few years to refresh their Dynamic Facilitation skills. The organisers are then happy to grant a 50 percent discount on the regular seminar price. Interestingly, this usually opens up completely new, as yet unknown aspects of Dynamic Facilitation and you get back into the beginner's mindset that is so important when facilitating with DF.
with Markus Götsch and Kristina Henry. |
05-06, 2025 07:30 PM until 05-08, 2025 04:00 PM Oberursel |
Dynamic Facilitation Deep Dive: Facilitating Democracy |
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Location: Akademie Gesundes Leben, Gotische Str. 15, 61440 Oberursel Dynamic Facilitation is a moderation method that supports small and medium-sized groups, e.g. in citizens' assemblies, in finding solutions that are often unexpected, surprisingly creative or particularly sustainable and transformative for all participants. Completely new paths can emerge even from seemingly insoluble problems or conflicts. The work that Dynamic Facilitation facilitators do is more important than ever in these times. Therefore, Rosa Zubizarreta, Holger Scholz and Matthias zur Bonsen invite you to a ‘Dynamic Facilitation Deep Dive’ with the theme ‘Facilitating Democracy’. Of course, ‘democracy’ is meant here to mean much more than just democracy in politics. For many, democracy is about supporting people in being heard and finding common ground - in communities, schools, companies, non-profit organisations... That's why the organisers of this event have formulated a ‘calling question’: ‘What have we learned about democracy through our practice of Dynamic Facilitation? What have we tried and what have we learned about the process itself?’ In this two-day immersion in Dynamic Facilitation, participants will
The future challenges us to form strong learning communities so that we are better prepared for the needs of our time. Dynamic Facilitation e.V., an association that aims to promote Dynamic Facilitation in German-speaking countries, is co-organising this event. |
05-07, 2025 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Online |
Formats of child and youth participation |
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Location: Online, The Saxon municipal and district regulations stipulate that children and young people must be involved ‘in an appropriate manner’ in planning and projects that affect their interests. But when does participation really make sense - and, above all, how? In this workshop, you will learn about processes for identifying reasons for participation and for planning participation programmes. You will learn about the positive influence that self-efficacy experiences can have at a young age, discuss the tension between democracy and didactics in participation work and strategies for successful cooperation with local authorities, schools and parents. You will encounter various methods and formats of participation that are specially tailored to children and young people. These are analysed in terms of content and tested in practice, including Barcamp, creative funnel, citizens' assembly, participatory backcasting, hero's journey, participatory exhibition. In addition, various scoping tools, creative formats and movement-orientated methods that play an important role in child and youth participation are used in the seminar context. Possible conflicts in child and youth participation and appropriate reactions are also a topic. At the end of the workshop, you will take away a set of methods that we have put together specifically for your needs. Participation is free of charge. It is reserved for members of the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Counselling Network (EBBS). |
05-07, 2025 11:00 AM until 05-09, 2025 04:00 PM Vienna (Austria) |
‘Art of Hosting’-Training |
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Location: die HausWirtschaft Wien, Bruno-Marek-Allee 5/1, 1020 Vienna, Austria "Against each other? Side by side. Together! Shaping effective encounters and dialogue." Our world is facing major challenges: rapid technological developments, climate crisis, social tensions and increasing social polarisation. Both globally and locally, in our cities and communities. In these complex times, we need new ways to bring people together and develop sustainable solutions together. ‘The Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations that Matter’ is the name of the practice that this training is about. As good hosts, the organisers strive to create a pleasant atmosphere in which you feel comfortable and welcome as a whole person. What is Art of Hosting & Harvesting? Art of Hosting is knowledge and experience of how change can be effectively organised. In society and in organisations and companies. Art of Hosting is the art of participative leadership. The involvement of many in a co-creative process to initiate profound change. Above all, Art of Hosting is also a philosophy, a specific attitude. And it encompasses a variety of methods and tools that are particularly helpful in complex environments, as well as the art of holistic, agile process design. Art of Hosting therefore stands for co-intelligence and self-organisation, for participation and cooperation. Art of Hosting is based on the assumption that we find better, realisable solutions to challenges when we cooperate. The successful integration of a diversity of opinions and views is therefore an essential prerequisite for arriving at meaningful and jointly supported solutions. Experience to date has shown that Art of Hosting is particularly suitable when it comes to
What can you expect? The three-day ‘Art of Hosting & Harvesting Training’ provides you with tools to effectively organise co-creative processes in small teams and large groups. You will learn practical methods for good dialogue, cooperative collaboration and results-oriented processes. These include formats such as Open Space, Storytelling, Pro Action Café, Appreciative Inquiry and methods of good decision-making. Here you will learn how to make conversations productive. And how you can condense and visualise results in such a way that they become effective in practice, but above all you will immerse yourself directly in practice through professionally guided, active self-experimentation. In this way, you will not only gain new knowledge, you will also try out its application. The multidisciplinary hosting team opens up a space for learning, discussion and reflection for participants from a wide range of sectors, such as business, public administration, science and civil society, from subject areas such as the environment, social affairs, education, culture, etc.. Through dialogue, the participants develop creative solutions for dealing with current social challenges and tensions. |
05-15, 2025 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM Online |
Introduction: Citizen participation for councillors |
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Location: Online, Would you like to receive suggestions for your policy, improve your communication with citizens, show your proximity to citizens? You can achieve all of this if you are competent in the field of citizen participation. In this online workshop, you will learn about the opportunities and risks of citizen participation from the perspective of councillors. You will find out what possible applications and suitable instruments are available and learn how to assess them. You will discuss when and how it is worthwhile to initiate participation and to act in participation processes yourself if necessary. You will learn how to assess the quality of participation results and how to incorporate them into your work if necessary. This will enable you to discuss the meaning, purpose and implementation of participation on an equal footing with the administration. Participation in this workshop organised by the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Advice Network (EBBS) is free of charge. |
05-23, 2025 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cologne |
Citizen participation network |
Location: Youth Hostel Cologne-Deutz, Siegesstr. 5, 50679 Cologne An eventful and decisive year for the preservation of our democracy awaits us, as the first few days of this young year have already made clear. This makes our joint commitment to participation, involvement and the strengthening of our democracy all the more important. The aim of the Citizen Participation Network is to further develop participation in political and social (decision-making) processes and to shape and promote a participatory democracy. The network will continue to work with you on this task in 2025. On 23 May 2025, the Network Meeting 2025 will take place in Cologne, where the renaming of the network to ‘Network Democracy and Participation ’ will also be celebrated and the joint work to strengthen participation and a vibrant, participatory democracy will be brought to life. Above all, good civic participation requires quality standards and formulates requirements for a living democracy. The Citizen Participation Network is currently working with the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Counselling Network to further develop its quality criteria into the ‘Participation and Involvement Quality Check’. This year, the network will have the opportunity to test and further develop the quality check in various participation and involvement processes. This will also be an important topic at the network meeting. |
06-02, 2025 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Online |
Method workshop: Which participation method for which occasion? |
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Location: Online, The methods for citizen participation are important communication tools that are used for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of participation processes. There is a broad set of methods that can be used depending on the objective, participation and escalation level. In addition to step-by-step participation planning and an analysis of which methods are suitable for which projects, the aim of the workshop is to provide an insight into selected formats such as future conferences, citizens‘ workshops, neighbourhood discussions, citizens’ assemblies, etc. and to demonstrate various options for recruiting participants. Participation is free of charge. It is reserved for members of the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Consultancy Network (EBBS). |
06-05, 2025 09:00 AM until 06-06, 2025 05:00 PM Warsaw (Poland) |
Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies |
Location: Warsaw, Poland, (Venue to follow) After a period of democratic setbacks, Polish civil society and policy makers are turning to deliberation and citizen participation as a path to recovery. Organisations that have been active for over a decade before this political change have created the basis for a new civic culture that is driving this change. Thanks to them, Poland is a leader in Central Eastern Europe in organising citizens' assemblies. For this year's edition of the Spring Academy on Climate Citizens‘ Assemblies, FIDE Europe and the Knowledge Network in Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) are partnering with two Polish organisations that are pioneers in the field of mini-publics. Fundacja Stocznia launched its ‘Laboratory of Citizen Participation’ programme in 2010 to connect knowledge in this area. There is now a dedicated team that deals exclusively with citizen participation projects. Fundacja Pole Dialogu has been supporting citizen participation and promoting dialogue within society for over 13 years. The two organisations have already worked together on several local climate citizens' assemblies in Poland. More information will follow. Background: Climate action through citizens' assemblies? |
06-05, 2025 09:30 AM until 06-07, 2025 04:30 PM Berlin |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Berlin, (Venue to follow) In this three-day seminar, you will learn how to successfully apply Dynamic Facilitation, a unique facilitation method, in various contexts. This ranges from the corporate sector to citizen participation, in particular the Citizens' Assembly and the Wisdom Council Process. But you will also celebrate breakthroughs in individual 1:1 coaching with Dynamic Facilitation. Dynamic Facilitation is particularly suitable in situations where complex problems need to be solved or creative solutions developed. Here are some examples:
In general, Dynamic Facilitation is always suitable when diverse perspectives and ideas need to be brought together in order to tackle complex problems and find jointly supported solutions. The seminar offers the opportunity to learn from experienced trainers and to exchange ideas with other participants. Discover the potential of dynamic facilitation. |
06-17, 2025 08:00 PM - 09:30 PM Berlin |
Unequally united. Why the East remains different |
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Location: Pfefferberg-Theater, Schönhauser Allee 176, 10119 Berlin The discussion about East Germany and the relationship between East and West flares up again and again. Be it on the occasion of anniversaries or after protests. And yet there is no progress in understanding in this debate. It goes round in circles, accusations are followed by counter-accusations: ‘You are dictatorship-socialised!’ - ‘You have made us economically and symbolically small!’ November 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Even before then, the AfD could emerge as the strongest party in three state elections. In this situation, the ‘most sought-after social commentator in the country’ (FAS) comes forward in his new book "Unequally united. Why the East remains different‘ with a differentiated intervention. Steffen Mau analyses prominent contributions and contradicts the equalisation thesis that East Germany will become like the West over time. Due to the experiences of the GDR and the years of reunification, the East will remain different - economically, politically, but also in terms of mentality and identity. In view of the weak roots of the parties, Steffen Mau is in favour of trying out alternative forms of democracy and involving people more, for example through citizens' assemblies. Steffen Mau, born in 1968, is Professor of Macrosociology at Humboldt University in Berlin. His book Lütten Klein. Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft was number one on the non-fiction bestseller list of ZDF, Zeit and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. In 2021 he received the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation. An event organised by Literatur LIVE in cooperation with Suhrkamp Verlag and Thalia Buchhandlung. Background: A laboratory for citizen participation |
06-18, 2025 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Online |
Conflict and crisis situations in municipalities: suitable dialogue and participation formats |
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Location: Online, If there is a conflict in a municipality, it is as challenging as it is crucial to choose the right event format for upcoming dialogue or participation processes. To do this, however, you need to know what stage the conflict is at, who plays what role and how it can possibly be de-escalated. In the workshop, participants will first look at the theory of conflict stages and, on this basis, learn which dialogue and participation formats are appropriate in which situation and which mistakes should be avoided. Using concrete practical examples, they will discuss options for action, methods and basic attitudes of communication and moderation that have had a de-escalating effect in acute cases of communal crises in the past. At the end of the workshop, you will have the tools to recognise, classify, deal with and, where possible, resolve conflicts. You will be able to confidently select and implement or assign the appropriate participatory methods, formats and offers for the respective type of conflict. Participation is free of charge. It is reserved for members of the Saxony Citizen Participation Experience and Consultancy Network (EBBS). |
06-23, 2025 04:00 PM until 06-27, 2025 01:00 PM Zurich (Switzerland) |
7th Deliberative Democracy Summer School: Inequality and Deliberation |
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Location: University of Zurich, Affolternstr. 56, Room AFL F 118, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland In 2025, the “Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies” and the “Deliberative Democracy Summer School” series join forces to create a premier event for PhD students committed to exploring the depths of deliberative democracy in theory and practice. The 2025 Summer School promises rich insight into deliberation, encompassing a broad array of subfields, including democratic theory, public opinion, political communication, political psychology and more. Our 2025 Summer School places special emphasis on the interplay between inequality and deliberation, examining not only how inequalities affect deliberation but also how deliberative and participatory tools can be harnessed to address existing disparities. This broad topic encompasses, in particular but not exclusively, the following themes:
The 2025 Summer School will feature lectures and interactive sessions led by renowned scholars in the field of deliberative democracy. Participants will have the opportunity to:
Students without institutional funding can request a waiver for the participation fees after their acceptance into the summer school. Waivers are granted on a need basis (not competitive). A cooperation event of the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance of the University of Canberra with the Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies and the Mercator Foundation Switzerland. |
09-18, 2025 09:30 AM until 09-20, 2025 04:00 PM Düsseldorf |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Forum Demokratie Düsseldorf, Himmelgeister Str. 107, 40225 Düsseldorf Unique situations such as crises, complex problems or seemingly unsolvable conflicts require unique facilitation. This seminar teaches the basic principles of Dynamic Facilitation (DF). Alternating between theory and practice, the necessary basic skills for successful moderation with Dynamic Facilitation, for example in citizens' assemblies, will be developed. The seminar will enable you to apply the method and understand how you can lead a group to a breakthrough. Dynamic Facilitation (DF) - the method for the unsolvable The aim of Dynamic Facilitation is to jointly find room for manoeuvre for tricky, emotionally charged problems, crises and conflicts. Dynamic Facilitation can be used to initiate real transformation. The solutions are not based on elaborate compromises or decisions, but emerge as if by themselves in a collective, non-judgemental, creative process. Dynamic Facilitation follows the energy of the group, not a predetermined structure or goal. It is therefore very different to traditional facilitation methods or phase-orientated approaches in mediation. Speaker: Markus Götsch, MA, DFA certified Dynamic Facilitation Instructor, mediator, organisational developer & filmmaker Recognised as further training within the meaning of the German Mediation Act with 19 hours. |
10-01, 2025 10:00 AM until 10-03, 2025 04:00 PM Athens (Greece) |
Athens Democracy Forum 2025 |
Location: Athens, Greece, (Venue to follow) The Athens Democracy Forum is back, and set to take place on October 1–3, 2025 in the Greek capital. Hosted in association with The New York Times, this unique gathering in Athens will convene top thinkers, leaders, and advocates from around the globe to reimagine and strengthen the future of democracy. From timely debates to actionable solutions, the 2025 Forum will be a space for collaboration and innovation on today’s most pressing challenges. This year again, the Forum will be home for the City of Athens Democracy Award and the Kofi Annan NextGen Democracy Prize. Teens for Democracy will also return, showcasing the vital voices of young leaders. Stay tuned - registration will open in March 2025! |
10-09, 2025 09:30 AM until 10-11, 2025 04:30 PM Bregenz (Austria) |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Narrativum, Färberg. 1, A 6900 Bregenz, Austria In this three-day seminar, participants will take an in-depth look at the unique facilitation method Dynamic Facilitation and learn how to apply it successfully in various contexts - from the corporate sector (Creative Insight Council) to the broad field of citizen participation (Citizens‘ Assembly / Citizens’ Forum, Wisdom Council Process) and 1:1 coaching. The application of Dynamic Facilitation in Citizens‘ Assemblies (also known as Citizens’ Forums, Wisdom Councils...) is particularly exciting. This special form of citizen participation was first trialled in Vorarlberg and has now been an integral part of political reality for 10 years. Dynamic facilitation gives participants the opportunity to freely express their concerns, needs and wishes, but above all their ideas, and to enter into a creative solution-finding process with others. This creates a deep bond between the participants and a high level of identification with the problem. This leads to a strong sense of unity, the basis for the ability to change and take action. In this seminar, the participants will therefore also deal intensively with the application of dynamic facilitation in citizens' assemblies and learn the special attitude and skills of facilitation that are necessary for successful implementation. The seminar offers you the opportunity to learn from experienced trainers and to exchange ideas with other participants. |
10-15, 2025 11:00 AM until 10-16, 2025 03:00 PM Brussels (Belgium) |
2025 Democracy R&D Annual Conference |
Location: Brussels, Belgium, (Venue to follow) In 2025, the annual conference of Democracy R&D will take place in Brussels, Belgium. The annual meeting of the global citizens' assembly network is organised by G1000, FIDE - Europe, Democratic Society and Missions Publiques. With 95 member organisations and 94 individual members in 55 countries and on six continents (as of January 2025), Democracy R&D is the largest global network dedicated to deliberative democracy and democratic renewal. Democracy R&D empowers citizens to make informed judgements and decisions in cooperation with governments. This is achieved through democratic processes such as random selection (sortition) and deliberation. Democracy R&D members help governments from the local to the global level to build trust, understanding and solutions to some of the most difficult problems. They bring ordinary people back into the policy-making process. For questions about the conference, please contact Miguel González Vaz (FIDE), email: Learn more: Democracy R&D |
11-26, 2025 09:30 AM until 11-28, 2025 04:00 PM Munich |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Diakonie Hasenbergl, Stanigplatz 10, 80933 Munich Dynamic Facilitation (DF), an extraordinary method that awakens and utilises potential! DF is a facilitation method and attitude,
In this 3-day Dynamic Facilitation foundation seminar, you will learn the basic tools of the method. You will understand the mechanisms of action and practise their future application, e.g. in citizens' assemblies. The participants work with topics and ‘challenges’ from their everyday lives and develop possibilities together. A seminar organised by the ‘Dynamic Facilitation’ association in cooperation with Diakonie Hasenbergl. |
12-12, 2025 09:30 AM until 12-14, 2025 04:30 PM Hamburg |
Seminar: Dynamic Facilitation |
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Location: Lean-in | mindful leadership Hamburg, Birrenkovenallee 13, 22143 Hamburg Moinmoin to the three-day basic seminar in Dynamic Facilitation in Hamburg! This seminar offers you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the basics of this revolutionary method of group facilitation and to learn how to apply it in your own professional and personal contexts. During the seminar you will learn how to create an open and appreciative atmosphere in groups that allows participants to express their individual perspectives and ideas while developing creative and transformative solutions together. You will learn how to develop the ability to facilitate a group while responding individually to the needs of the participants. The seminar is aimed at anyone who wants to be able to work more effectively with groups, whether in business, education or community work. No previous facilitation experience is required. You will be able to explore this unique facilitation method in depth and learn how Dynamic Facilitation can be used successfully in a variety of contexts - from the corporate sector (Creative Insight Council), to the broad field of citizen participation (Citizens‘ Assembly according to the Vorarlberg Model / Citizens’ Forum, Wisdom Council Process) and 1:1 coaching. |