LOS, Deutschland! The Citizens' Assembly Conference

13. November 2020

Sortition-based citizens' assemblies are becoming more and more common. What do we learn from the experience of other citizens' assemblies, such as the citizens' assembly on climate change in France, what from the citizens' assemblies in the UK and Ireland? In 2019, we also organised the first nationwide citizens' assembly in Germany. One year later, the aim was to take stock. What has the Citizens' Assembly on Democracy achieved?

After reporting on the experiences of past citizens' assemblies, the parliamentary directors of CSU, SPD and GRÜNE addressed the current state of implementation of the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly on Democracy and discussed what parliament needs to anchor citizen participation in political processes.

Furthermore, the Citizens' Assembly on "Germany's Role in the World" will take place during this legislative period. The discussion showed how this came about and how to proceed further.