Citizens' assemblies worldwide
Citizens' assemblies are used in many places around the world. Here, you can find an overview of the citizens' assemblies we know of in recent years.
Find more cases in the OECD Database of Representative Deliberative Processes and Institutions and on the Mini Publics Map
- Global Citizens’ Assembly on the Ocean (Marine conservation)
- Global Assembly (Climate Change)
European Union
- Pilot Transnational Peoples’ Assembly
- Citizens' Panel "Tackling hatred in society"
- Citizens' Panel on Energy Efficiency
- European Citizens' Learning Mobility Panel
- Citizens' Panel "Virtual Worlds"
- Citizens' Panel on Food Waste
- European Citizens' Panels
National Citizens' Assemblies
- Armenia: Citizens' Assembly on Armenias Future
- Australia: Community Jury "Artificial Intelligence in Health"
- Australia: Citizens' Jury on Human Genome Editing
- Austria: Citizens' Assembly on Transport
- Austria: Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Austria: Citizens' Assembly on Democracy (Future of Democracy)
- Belgium: Citizens' Panel "Artificial Intelligence and the EU"
- Belgium: Agora "Just Transition" (Climate Action)
- Belgium: Burgerdebat "We need to talk" (Political Party Funding)
- Belgium: LaboCitoyen (Reimbursement of medical care)
- Belgium: G1000 Burgertop (Social security, distribution of wealth in times of crisis and immigration)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Skupština građana BiH (Constitutional amendment and electoral reform)
- Canada: Citizens' Assembly on Democratic Expression (Hate, discrimination and fake news on the internet)
- Chile: LXS 400 (Pension and health care system)
- Denmark: Borgerting på klimaområdet (Climate Change)
- Finland: Ilmastotoimia arvioiva kansalaisraati (Climate Change)
- France: Convention citoyenne sur la Fin de Vie (Assisted dying)
- France: Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat (Climate Change)
- France: Générations nouvelles : quelles promesses pour quel avenir? (Social cohesion in society)
- France: Le debat publique sur l'agriculture (Future of the EU's Common agricultural policy)
- France: Plan stratégique 2030 (Demography and health)
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly "Education and Learning"
- Germany: Citizens' assembly on disinformation (misinformation in the digital space)
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly "Joint transport transition in urban and rural areas"
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly "Nutrition in Transition"
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly on Artificial Intelligence
- Germany: National Citizens’ Panel on the future of Europe
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly "Research" (Further development of participation processes at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World"
- Germany: Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Germany: Citizens' Assembly on Democracy
- Ireland: Citizens' Assembly on Drugs use
- Ireland: Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity
- Ireland: Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity
- Ireland: Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality
- Ireland: Citizens' Jury on Health Information
- Ireland: Citizens' Assembly 2016-2018 (Abortion, ageing population, fixed term parliaments, referendum rules, climate change)
- Luxembourg: Klima-Biergerrot (Climate Change)
- Luxembourg: Biergerkommitee Lëtzebuerg 2050 (Climate Change)
- Montenegro: Skupština Građana (Corruption)
- Netherlands: Inwonerraad Energie (Energy transition)
- North Macedonia: Citizens' Assembly on COVID-19 (Pandemic control measures)
- Norway: Nasjonalt folkepanel om bærekraftig forbruk (Sustainable consumption)
- Poland: Panel Obywatelski o Polityce Zywnościowej (Food policy)
- Poland: Narada Obywatelska o Kosztach Energii (Energy poverty)
- Serbia: Citizens' Assembly on Food Labelling
- Singapore: Singapore Citizens' Jury on Data Sharing with Private Industry in Precision Medicine
- Singapore: Citizens' Jury for the War on Diabetes
- Sweden: Medborgarråd om klimatet (Climate Change)
- Sweden: Medborgarpanel om hållbar och hälsosam livsmedelskonsumtion (Sustainable and healthy food consumption)
- Switzerland: Citizens' Assembly 2025 (Rising healthcare costs)
- Switzerland: Zukunftsrat U24 (Youth Assembly on mental health)
- Switzerland: Citizens' Assembly on Food Policy (Transforming the food system)
- Spain: Asamblea Ciudadana para el Clima (Climate Change)
- UK: The People’s Assembly for Nature (Nature conservation)
- UK: Citizens' Assembly on Democracy in the UK
- UK: Climate Assembly UK (Climate Change)
- UK: Citizens' Assembly on Brexit (Withdrawal from the European Union)
In preparation
- Global Citizens' Assembly for People and Planet (Climate Change)
- Finland: Medborgarmöte om energi (Household energy use)
- Netherlands: Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climate change)
- Netherlands: Burgerberaad "G1000Landbouw" (Future of Agriculture)
- Norway: Fremtidspanelet om Norges rigdom (Utilisation of the prosperity in Norway for society)
Citizens' Assemblies at state and local level
- Queensland: Queensland CTP Citizens' Jury (Motor injury insurance)
- Sydney: Sydney 2050 Citizens' Jury (Future concept for the city)
- Yarra Valley: Yarra Valley Water Citizens' Jury 2022 (Water supply)
State level
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Schools for the Children and Young People of Our Time"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Care work and compatibility"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Fair Elections"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Climate Future"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Future of Agriculture"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury Mobility Concept Vorarlberg
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury on Land Management in Vorarlberg
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Youth - Future - Opportunities"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury Asylum and Refugee System in Vorarlberg
- Vorarlberg: IFS Patient Council (Health literacy of people with a psychiatric diagnosis)
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Vorarlberg as a successful region"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Future Education"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens Jury "Good neighbourliness"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Quality of life"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "Future Generations"
- Vorarlberg: Citizens' Jury "What's burning?"
- Vorarlberg: Second Mothers' Jury in Vorarlberg (Childcare)
- Vorarlberg: First Mothers' Jury in Vorarlberg (Everyday Life in Families with many Children)
Local level
- Alpine Rhine Valley: Cross-border Citizens' Jury in the Alpine Rhine Valley (Learning to live in a self-responsible way for young and old)
- Altach: Youth Council on the involvement of youth in community development
- Bregenz: Citizens' Jury "Cleanliness in the City"
- Bregenz: Citizens' Jury "City of Culture"
- Bregenz: Citizens' Jury "Seestadt" (development of the Seestadt area)
- Bregenz: Citizens' Jury "Attractive Living Space Design"
- Bregenz: Citizens' Jury "Living in the City" ( urban development, building, infrastructure and transport)
- Dornbirn: Citizens' Jury Dornbirn overall transport concept
- Egg: Citizens' Jury Egg (City centre design)
- Feldkirch: Citizens' Jury "Future viability" (Sustainability)
- Ferlach: Citizens' Jury on Climate Change
- Fußach: Citizens' Jury "Village Community"
- Göfis: Citizens' Jury "Affordable Housing"
- Götzis: Citizens' Jury "Living Together" (Living and Growing Older in Götzis)
- Großes Walsertal: Youth Council "Youth Friendliness in the Region"
- Großes Walsertal: Citizens' Jury "Living and Dying in the Mountains" (Future of the Walsertal)
- Hohenems: Citizens' Jury "Future Development and Revitalisation of the City Centre"
- Karlstein: Citizens' Jury for sustainability, democracy and the common good
- Kirchberg-Thening: Citizens' Jury "Agenda.Future Kirchberg-Thening"
- KLAR! Region Kaunergrat: Citizens' Jury on Climate Change
- Krumbach: Citizens' Jury on the Promotion of Engagement
- Leutasch/Reith: Citizens' Jury on Climate Change
- Montafon: Citizens' Jury on Spatial Development
- Münzbach: Citizens' Jury Münzbach
- Nenzing-Frastanz: Citizens' Jury "Joint Future Vision"
- Rankweil: Citizens' Jury Rankweil (Revision of the spatial development concept)
- Rankweil: Citizens' Jury on the revision of the mission statement
- Ried: Citizens' Jury "Future Ried" (Sustainable urban development)
- Salzburg: Citizens' Jury "Living together after the crisis"
- Salzburg: Future Dialogue Covid 19
- Salzburg: Citizens' Jury Masterplan Salzburg
- St. Florian: Citizens' Jury Agenda 21
- Sulzberg: Third Sulzberg Youth Council (Youth and future)
- Sulzberg: Second Sulzberg Youth Council (Community Development)
- Sulzberg: First Sulzberg Youth Council (Involvement of young people in the future development of the municipality)
- Thaya: Climate Jury
- Vienna: Citizens' Juries "Viennese Climate" (Climate change)
- Villach: Citizens' jury on a new local development concept
- Villach: Citizens' jury "What must the Old Town offer?"
- Volders/Wattens: Klimarat (Climate change)
- Vorarlberg: Regional Citizens' Juries "Energy Future 2050" (Energy Autonomy)
- Vorderland-Feldkirch: Citizens' Jury "Future development of the Region"
- Waidhofen an der Thaya: Citizens' Jury for sustainability, democracy and the common good
- Wartberg: Citizens' Jury on the future of the market town
- Wipptal: Citizens' Jury Wipptal (Care and Social Welfare)
- WITUS municipalities: Citizens' Jury "Strengthening the Region"
- Wolfurt: Citizen's Jury on the creation of a mission statement (quality of life and standard of living in Wolfurt)
- Wolkersdorf: Citizens' Jury on land use
State level
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly on Student Competences
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly on Immigrant Integration in East Belgium"
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly "Digital Skills" (Access to the digital world for all)
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly "Housing for all!" (Sustainable and affordable housing)
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly "Inclusion in Schools!" (Inclusion and education)
- German Speaking Community of East Belgium: Citizens' Assembly "Care concerns us all!" (Care conditions)
- Province de Luxembourg: Parlement Citoyen Climat (Climate Change)
- Wallonie: Panel Citoyen sur le Climat (Climate Change)
- Wallonie: Panel Citoyen sur les enjeux de long terme du Vieillissement (Long-term challenges of ageing)
Local level
- Arlon: Panel citoyen pour l'énergie et le climat (Energy and climate change)
- Auderghem: Assemblée des Habitants d'Auderghem (permanent citizens' assembly)
- Brussels: Assemblée Citoyenne pour le Climat (permanent climate assembly)
- Brussels: Préparons Bruxelles (Resilience of the region)
- Brussels: Journée de la résilience (Covid-19 Crisis)
- Brussels: Assemblée Citoyenne Bruxelloise (permanent citizens' assembly)
- Brussels: Panel Citoyen "Make your Brussels - Mobility" (Transport)
- Brussels: Climacteurs - 100 voix pour le Climat (Climate change)
- Eeklo: Burgerpanel over Gemeentefusie (Municipal merger)
- Forest: Conseil Citoyen Forestois (Climate Change, safety, cleanliness)
- Ghent: Cabinet citoyen de Gand (Transport)
- Kaprijke: Burgerpanel over gemeentefusie (Municipal merger)
- Kessel-Lo: Burgerpanel Vorm 3010 (Mobility)
- Mechelen: Burgerpanel Masterplan Binnendijle (Biodiversity in the River Dijle)
- Mechelen: Burgerpanel 2021 (Lively city and town with enough peace and quiet)
- Molenbeek-Saint-Jean: Panel Citoyen "We Are Molenbeek" (Radicalization among young people and bringing communities together)
- Namur: Panel citoyen pour le climat (Climate Change)
- Oud-Heverlee: Toekomstforum Zoet Water (Future of Zoet Water)
- Saint-Gilles: Conseil Citoyen Permanent de Saint-Gilles (permanent citizens' jury)
- Wichelen: Burgerparlement (Municipality merger)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Banja Luka: Skupština građana "Mladih i Preduzetništva" (Youth and entrepreneurship)
- Mostar: Skupština građana Mostara (Making the city more attractive)
- Mostar: Skupština građana Mostara (Cleanliness of the city and maintenance of public spaces in Mostar)
- Amazonas: Remuneração dos Serviços Ambientais hidricos que ajudam a presarvar a Amazônia (Remuneration for environmental services in the water sector)
- Belém: Assembleia Cidadã "Enfrentando as Desigualdades - Recicla Belém" (Waste separation and income generation for residents)
- Belo Horizonte: Direito ao Ensino dos Estudantes durante o Período Pandêmico (Right to education in the pandemic)
- Belo Horizonte: Políticas Culturais em Belo Horizonte (Access to culture)
- Bujaru: Assembleia Cidadã "BioEconomia Sustentável: caminhos e escolhas para gerar trabalho, renda e qualidade de vida em Bujaru" (Sustainable BioEconomy)
- Cidade Baixa em Salvador: Direito à Educação na Pandemia (Right to education in the pandemic)
- Fortaleza: Assembleia Cidadã "Por uma Educação em Tempo Integral" (All-day schools)
- Fortaleza: Conselho Cidadão de Fortaleza (Waste disposal)
- Francisco Morato: Delibera Morato (Creation of basic sanitation accessible to all)
- Ilhéus: Minipúblico para contribuir com a Regulamentação de Moto-táxis na região (Rules for motorbike taxis)
- Niterói: Assembleia Cidadã "Conecta Niterói: Acesso Universal à Internet" (Internet for all)
- Pirituba-Jaraguá: Minipúblico sobre o planejamento orçamentário quadrienal (Four-year budget planning)
- Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre: Tempos de Espera no SUS - O que propor e como conquistar? (Waiting times for medical treatments)
- Salvador: Assembleia Cidadã do Clima de Salvador (Climate Change)
- São Miguel Paulista: Sorteio Cidadão (Future concept for the city)
- São Miguel Paulista: Minipúblico sobre o planejamento orçamentário quadrienal (Four-year budget planning)
- São Paulo: Minipúblico sobre a reforma da Rua Rafael Zimbardi (Umgestaltung der Rua Rafael Zimbardi)
- Toritama: Assembleia RespirAr Puro de Toritama (Air pollution from industrial laundries)
Provincial level
- British Columbia: British Columbia Primary Care Priorities Panel
- British Columbia: Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
- Ontario: Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
- Yukon: Yukon Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Local level
- Longueuil: Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
- Ontario: Ontario Primary Care Priorities Panel (Care)
- Toronto Planning Review Panel (City planning)
- Victoria/Saanich: Victoria/Saanich Citizens’ Assembly (Amalgamation of the City of Victoria and the District of Saanich)
- Bogotá: Asamblea ciudadana (Environment, Transport and Urban Development)
- Rijeka: Vijeće građana Rijeke (Improvement of local self-government and citizen participation)
- Aarhus: Borgersamling om byliv, byrum og mobilite i Aarhus (Urban life, urban space and mobility in Aarhus)
- Aarhus: Borgersamling om udvidelse af havnen (Harbour expansion)
- Aarhus: Borgersamling Aarhus (Halving CO2 emissions from private transport by 2030)
- Albertslund: Borgersamling om fremtidens Albertslund (Future of Albertslund)
- Copenhagen: Københavnernes Klimaborgerting (Climate Change)
- Copenhagen: Københavnersamling 2024 (Future of transport on the island of Amager)
- Copenhagen: Københavnertinget 2023 (Wellbeing and space for everyone)
- Copenhagen: Borgersamling om Lynetteholm (Development of the Lynetteholm district)
- Copenhagen: Borgersamling Unges København (Youth policy)
- Copenhagen: Borgersamling om mindre biltrafik i middelalderbyen (Reduction of car traffic in the Old Town)
- Region Hovedstaden, Region Syddanmark og kom-munerne Vejle, Frederiksberg og Rudersdal: Borgersamling om bæredygtigt forbrug (Sustainable consumption)
- Greve: Velfærdsborgersamlingen (Local welfare)
- Greve: Klimaborgersamling Greve Kommune (Climate Change)
- Hørsholm: Hørsholm Kommunes Klimaborgerpanel (Climate Change)
- Rudersdal: Borgersamling i Rudersdal (Sustainability)
- Ida-Viru: Kliimakogu (Climate Change)
- Tallinn: Rohelise pealinna rahvakogu (Green Capital)
- Tartu: Tartu Kliimakogu (Climate Change)
- Korsholm: Medborgarråd Korsholm (Merging of the municipality of Korsholm and the city of Vaasa)
- Satakuna: Kansalaiskeskustelu Satakunnan tulevaisuudesta (Regional plan 2050)
- Turku: Turku Kansalaispaneelli (Transport)
- Uusimaa: Kansalaisraati liikenteen päästövähennystoimiin Uudellamaalla (Transport emissions)
Regional level
- Département Seine-Saint-Denis: Assemblée Citoyenne de l'Energie (Energy)
- Est Ensemble: Convention citoyenne locale pour le climat d’Est Ensemble (Climate Change)
- Grenoble Alpes-Métropole: Panel citoyen Charte de la Participation (Citizen Participation)
- Grenoble Alpes-Métropole: Convention Citoyenne Métropolitaine pour le Climat (Climate Change)
- Métropole Lyon: Panel Citoyen pour la mise en place d’une Zone à faibles émissions (Establishment of a Low Emission Zone)
- Occitanie: Convention Citoyenne pour l'Occitanie (Green New Deal)
- Région Bourgogne - Franche-Comté: Convention citoyenne pour le climat et la biodiversité (Climate change and biodiversity)
- Rhône Region: L'Assemblée populaire du Rhône (Protecting the Rhône and its ecosystems)
Local level
- Arcueil: Convention Citoyenne sur le Stationnement (City parking)
- Bayeux: Comité consultatif citoyen
- Besançon: Convention Citoyenne "Quel avenir pour le quartier des Vaîtes?" (What future for the Vaîtes district?)
- Bordeaux: Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat (Climate Change)
- Bourges: Assemblée Citoyenne
- Cachan: Jury Citoyen (Selection of the developer for the future Eco-quartier de la gare)
- Carpentras: Convention Citoyenne
- Chambéry: Comité de liaison citoyen Covid (Covid-19)
- Cigéo: Conférence de citoyens sur la phase industrielle pilote de Cigéo (Examination of the industrial pilot phase of the nuclear waste repository in Cigéo)
- Clermont-Ferrand: Convention Citoyenne Clermont-Ferrand (Ecological, democratic and social change)
- Grenoble: Convention Citoyenne Covid-19 (Covid-19)
- Lot-et-Garonne: Conseil Consultatif Citoyen
- Marseille: L’Assemblée Citoyenne du Futur (permanent citizens' assembly)
- Nancy: Assemblée Citoyenne
- Nantes: Convention Citoyenne (Covid-19)
- Narbonne: Convention Citoyenne sur l’éolien terrestre (Onshore wind power)
- Paris: Conference Citoyenne (climate-friendly urban development)
- Paris: Conference Citoyenne (Introduction of the 5G mobile standard)
- Paris: Assemblee Citoyenne (ständiger Bürgerrat)
- Poitiers: Assemblée Citoyenne (Introduction of the 5G mobile standard)
- Rennes: Convention Métropolitaine de la Citoyenneté (Citizen participation)
- Rennes: Jury Citoyen sur la Vilaine (Future of the Vilaine river cover)
- Rezé: Conférence citoyenne sur la sécurité (Creation of a community police force)
- Rouen: Rouen Citoyenne (Adapting the city to climate change)
- Saucats: Panel Citoyen Photovoltaïque "Horizeo" (Construction of a solar farm)
- Thouars: Comité consultatif citoyen
- Ville des Lilas: Comité consultatif citoyen (Anti-discrimination policy)
- Villeurbanne: Conférence Citoyenne de Consensus Tranquillité (Security)
- Villeurbanne: Assemblée Citoyenne de Villeurbanne
State level
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum on non-smoker protection
- Baden-Württemberg: Youth Forum "betterLÄND"
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Jury "AI and Freedom"
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum on G8/G9
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Dialogues "Spaces for tomorrow"
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum "Crisis-proof Society"
- Baden-Württemberg: Dialogue Forum Water and Soil
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum Agriculture BW
- Baden-Württemberg: Dialogue Forum Water and Soil
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum "Further Development of the Black Forest National Park"
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum on Covid-19
- Baden-Württemberg/Grand-Est: Franco-German dialogue on cross-border cooperation during COVID-19
- Baden-Württemberg: Citizens' Forum on the Retirement Pensions of State Parliamentarians
- Berlin: New Berliners Citizens' Jury (Climate Change)
- Berlin: Climate Assembly
- Bremen: Citizens' Forum on the pension scheme for members of parliament
- Saarland: Citizens' Assembly "Climate Protection in Saarland"
- Saxony: Forum Covid-19
- Saxony-Anhalt: University Climate Assemblies
- Schleswig-Holstein: Climate Citizens' Forum
- Thuringia: Citizens' Jury Thuringia - Common ways to tackle COVID-19 and other pandemics
Local level
- Aachen: Citizens' Assembly "Family-Friendly Aachen"
- Aachen: Citizens' Assembly "Attractive Shopping Destination Aachen"
- Altenmarkt: Altenmarkt Future Council on the town centre
- Amberg: Citizens' Jury Community Hospital Site
- Arnsberg: Citizens' Jury “Living together - strengthening democracy”
- Arnsberg: Citizens' Jury "Positive effects on my personal ecological footprint"
- Arnsberg: Citizens' Jury "Tackling the Energy Crisis together"
- Backnang: Climate Forum Backnang
- Bad Boll: Citizens' Jury "A good life in Bad Boll"
- Bad Berleburg: Future Council on the redesign of the market square and the Odeborn Arena
- Bad Berleburg: Citizens' Jury Goetheplatz 2030
- Bad Feilnbach: Citizens' Jury on the Future of the Trogerhaus
- Bad Säckingen: Citizens' Forum Bad Säckingen 2025/26
- Bad Säckingen: Citizens' Forum Bad Säckingen 2023/24
- Bad Segeberg: Citizens' Jury "Environment and Climate Protection"
- Bayreuth: Citizens' Jury on a heat adaptation strategy
- Bergisch Gladbach: Climate Jury
- Berlin: Pilot Citizens' Jury in Marzahn-Hellersdorf
- Berlin: Neighbourhood Jury ‘Climate-friendly neighbourhood block Antonkiez’
- Berlin: Neighbourhood Jury ‘Climate-friendly neighbourhood block Nördliche Luisenstadt’
- Berlin: Tempelhofer Feld Dialogue Process
- Berlin: Island Jury on Transport
- Berlin: Island Jury Mierendorff (redesign of the island circuit)
- Berlin: Digital Berlin City Committee (Smart City Strategy)
- Berlin: Citizens' Juries in Tempelhof-Schöneberg (Future of the borough)
- Biesenthal: Citizens' Jury "Biesenthal City Forest"
- Bischweier: Citizens' Forum on Mercedes Benz plant
- Bochum: Citizens‘ Conference 2023: Family-Friendliness
- Bochum: Citizens’ Conference 2021: Smart City
- Bochum: Citizens‘ Conference 2019: City on the move
- Bochum: Citizens’ Conference 2018: Ideas for the neighbourhoods
- Bochum: Citizens' Conference 2017: “The Bochum Strategy”
- Bonn: Citizens' Assembly Federal Art Gallery
- Bonn: Climate Forums Bonn
- Brandis: Youth Council on Youth Participation
- Brandis: Citizens' Jury on updating the city's mission statement
- Breisgau: Citizens' Jury Geothermal Energy Breisgau
- Bremen: Citizens' Jury "City Center Bremen"
- Brühl: Citizens' Workshop on Mobility
- Burghausen: Citizens' Jury on Sustainability
- Burgwedel: Mobility Forum Burgwedel
- Coesfeld: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Cologne: Citizens' Assembly “Mobile in a neighbourhood worth living in”
- Cologne: Future Council School
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2024
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2023
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the Climate Mobility Plan
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2022
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2021
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2020
- Constance: Citizens' Jury on the participatory Budget 2019
- County of Dachau: Citizens' Advisory Council Health Region plus County of Dachau
- Denzlingen: Citizens' Jury on the community development concept
- Dinslaken: Citizens' Jury Dinslaken
- Dortmund: Dortmund Urban Strategy Citizens' Forum
- Dresden: Citizens' Jury "City of Peace Dresden"
- Dresden: Citizens' Assembly Museum of Decorative Arts of the Dresden State Art Collections (SKD)
- Düsseldorf: Citizens' Jury on the future of the Opera House
- Duisburg: Citizens' Jury "Climate Protection and Hydrogen NRW"
- Eberswalde: FutureCouncil Eberswalde on urban development
- Edermünde: Climate Jury
- Eppelheim: Citizens' Forum on the use of the area behind the Rhein-Neckar-Halle
- Erkelenz: Citizens' Jury on the future use of the industrial estate east
- Erlangen: Citizens' Jury Climate Awakening
- Essen: Citizens' Forum “Essen is in demand! How can we achieve the transport transition?”
- Falkensee: Citizens' workshop on the car park concept
- Falkensee: Citizens' workshop on the Falkensee indoor swimming pool
- Falkensee: Citizens' workshops on the integrated urban development concept (INSEK)
- Flensburg: Citizens' Jury on Transport
- Frankfurt/Main: Democracy Convention "From Young to Old in Frankfurt - Opportunities and Challenges of Intergenerationality"
- Frankfurt/Main: Democracy Convention "Frankfurt makes (Climate)Policy"
- Frankfurt/Main: Democracy Convention on Citizen Participation
- Freiburg Region: Citizens' Assembly "100 % Renewable Energies Freiburg Region"
- Freiburg/Breisgau: Dietenbach dialogue process
- Friedberg: Climate Jury
- Fürstenfeldbruck: Citizens' Jury on urban development concept
- Göttingen: Future Forum 2024: Citizen participation
- Göttingen: Future Forum 2023: Redesigning Main Streets
- Gütersloh: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Haltern am See: Citizens' Jury on Transport
- Hanover: Citizens' Jury on the modernisation of the Westschnellweg
- Herrenberg: Citizens' Forum Herrenberg-Süd
- Herzberg (Elster): Citizens‘ Jury on revitalising the city centre
- Herzberg (Elster): Citizens’ Jury "PopAnker"
- Herzberg (Elster): Citizens' Jury "Cycling into the Future"
- Holzland/Inntal: Citizens' Jury "Intercommunal Rural Development"
- Homberg (Efze): Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Jülich: Citizens' Jury "Sustainable Living in Jülich"
- Kassel: Citizens' Jury "Smart Kassel"
- Kirchanschöring: Citizens' Jury „Building and Living for the Future“
- Kirchanschöring: Children's Jury
- Kirchanschöring: Citizens' Jury on expansion of child care
- Krefeld: Citizens' Assembly Krefeld
- Leipzig: Participation Council Common Good
- Leipzig: Citizens' Jury on the Freedom and Unity Monument
- Lemgo: Citizens' Forum "Climate-neutral transport in Lemgo 2035"
- Leupoldsgrün: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchilden"
- Lindau am Bodensee: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Lotte: Citizens' Jury on mobility concept
- Ludwigsfelde: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Lüneburg: Citizens' Jury on a utilisation concept for the Glockenhaus
- Malchin: Citizens' Jury on the city's energy and heat supply
- Marburg-Biedenkopf district: Citizens' Jury on Volunteering
- Mannheim: Citizens' Jury "Climate Protection 2030"
- Meinersen joint municipality: Citizens' Jury "Redesigning citizen services in the Meinersen joint municipality"
- Mittweida: Citizens' jury on inner city development
- Moers: Pilot Citizens' Jury Moers
- Mühlacker: Citizens' Forum New Centre Mühlacker
- Mundelsheim: Citizens' Forum on the Benzäcker industrial park
- Munich: Citizens' assembly on urban development
- Munich: Citizens' Assembly Urban Development Plan 2040
- Region Neckar-Alb: Citizens' Jury Neckar-Alb Regional Light Rail
- Neubeuern: Citizens' Jury on the new construction or renovation of the Town Hall
- Neumünster: Citizens' Jury on Climate Change
- Nürtingen: Citizens' Jury on flood protection in the Tiefenbach/Saubach
- Nürtingen: Citizens' Jury on Citizen Participation
- Nuremberg: Climate Workshop
- Nußdorf in Chiemgau: Citizens' Jury “Future Old School”
- Oberhausen: Marienviertel Neighbourhood Development Citizens' Forum
- Offenburg: Climate Jury
- Ostalbkreis: Citizens' Forum "Future concept Ostalb hospitals"
- Osterburg: Citizens' Jury on Cycling
- Osterburg: Citizens' Jury "Climate Action Working Group"
- Ottersberg: Citizens' Jury on the design of the Bodderweg development area
- Ottersberg: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Pinneberg: Climate Citizens' Jury
- Pirna: Citizens' Jury on the redesign of the market square
- Prenzlau: Citizens' Jury on the new city model
- Rechtmehring: Citizens' workshop on local development
- Remshalden: Forum Identity for Citizens
- County of Reutlingen: Citizens' Jury on Design of the Health Campus
- Rhine-Neckar region: Rhine-Neckar Geothermal Energy Dialogue Forum
- Rietschen: Citizens' Jury "A future fit for grandchildren"
- Rottenburg: Citizens' Jury "Regional slaugther - but how?"
- Rüsselsheim: Climate Jury
- Rupertiwinkel: Citizens' Jury “ Integrated Rural Development Waginger See - Rupertiwinkel”
- Schorndorf: Citizens' Jury on the use of photovoltaic systems on house roofs
- Schwerin: Citizens' Committee Mission Statement "Schwerin 2020"
- Seeon-Seebruck: Citizens' Jury on the future of the lido island
- Siegen: Citizens' Jury on Waste Policy
- Stuttgart region: Citizens' forum “Involvement in the development of location criteria for a landfill site”
- Stuttgart: Climate Assembly
- Stuttgart: Citizens' Forum on the renovation of the opera house
- Sulz am Neckar: Climate Jury
- Sulz am Neckar: Citizens' Forum “Attractive town centre”
- Tengen: Citizens' Jury on updating the city's mission statement
- Tittmoning: Citizens' Jury on the future of Castle and Rupertiwinkel Museum
- Trier: Citizens' Jury on the future of the city centre
- Uffing: Citizens' Jury Community development concept
- Unterhaching: Future Teams on local development planning
- Varel: Citizens' Jury on the future of the Tivoli venue
- Wandlitz: Citizens' Jury on the Wandlitz Development Concept
- Warendorf: Citizens' Jury on Street Renaming
- Warendorf: Citizens' advisory committee on the development of the Brinkhaus industrial wasteland
- Weil am Rhein: Citizens' forum on the integrated urban development concept
- Weilheim an der Teck: Citizens' workshops on the Rosenloh industrial estate
- Welver: Citizens' Jury Bördehalle
- Werder: Citizens' Jury Tree Blossom Festival
- Wernau (Neckar): Citizens' Forum on the Construction of a new Sports Hall
- Wetzlar: Planning workshops on the framework plan for the old town
- Wismar: Citizens' report on the design of the station environment
- Wolfschlugen: Citizens' Jury on the future of Wolfschlugen
- Würzburg: Würzburg Future Council
- Würzburg: Neighbourhood Council "Living in the Sanderau"
Great Britain
State level
- England: Citizens' Jury on Assisted Dying
- Scotland: Citizens' Assembly of Scotland (Future of Scotland)
- Scotland: Climate Assembly Scot (Climate Change)
- Wales: Citizens' Assembly "Nature and Us" (Nature conservation)
- Wales: Citizens' Jury "Citizens’ Voices, People’s News: Making the Media Work for Wales" (Media and democracy)
- Wales: Citizens' Jury 2020 (Social Care)
Local level
- Aberdeen: Aberdeen Citizens' Assembly on tackling poverty and inequality (Tackling poverty and inequality)
- Adur & Worthing: Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Barnet: Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Biodiversity (Climate Change and Biodiversity)
- Belfast: Citizens' Jury on Car Dependency in Belfast (Reduction of car use in Belfast)
- Birmingham: Birmingham Museums Citizens’ Jury (Future of museums in Birmingham)
- Birmingham: Citizens' Panel Net Zero Homes (Climate Change)
- Blackburn with Darwen: Blackburn with Darwen People’s Jury on the Climate Change Crisis (Climate Change)
- Blackpool: Blackpool Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Blaenau Gwent: Blaenau Gwent Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Borough of Barrow-In-Furness: Furness Climate Change Citizens' Jury (Climate Change)
- Brent: Brent Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Brighton & Hove: Brighton & Hove Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Bristol: Bristol Citizens' Assembly (Ways out of the Covid-19 crisis)
- Bro Ffestiniog: Bro Ffestiniog Community Assembly on the Climate (Climate Change)
- Bude Area: Bude Area Community Jury on Climate Change (Climate Change)
- Camden: Citizens' Assembly on Climate Crisis (Climate Change)
- Camden: Camden Health and Care Citizens' Assembly (Health and Care)
- Cheshire East: Cheshire East People's Panel on the Cost of Living (Cost of Living)
- Coventry: Citizens' Assembly Art for the People (Arts and Culture)
- Croydon: Croydon Citizens Assembly (Sustainability)
- Derry: People's Panel on shaping decision making in the city (Citizen Participation)
- Devon: Devon Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Dudley: Dudley People's Panel (Urban development)
- Dyffryn Nantlle: Dyffryn Nantlle Community Assembly on the Climate (Climate Change)
- Dyffryn Ogwen: Dyffryn Ogwen Community Assembly on the Climate (Climate Change)
- Dyffryn Peris: Dyffryn Peris Community Assembly on the Climate (Climate Change)
- Glasgow: COP26 Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Greater Cambridge: Greater Cambridge Citizens' Assembly (Congestion, air quality and public transport)
- Guernsey: Carbon Neutral Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Hackney: Hackney Citizens’ Climate Jury (Climate Change)
- Hackney: Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change (Climate Change)
- Herefordshire: Herefordshire Citizens' Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Jersey: Jersey Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury (Assisted suicide)
- Jersey: Jersey Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Kendal: Kendal Climate Change Citizens' Jury (Climate Change)
- Kingston: Citizens' Panel "Shaping the future of the Kingston town centre area" (Inner city development)
- Kingston: Citizens' Assembly on air quality (Air pollution control)
- Lambeth: Lambeth Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Lancaster: Lancaster Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Leeds: Leeds Climate Change Citizens' Jury (Climate Change)
- Manchester: Manchester Community Assembly (Climate Change)
- Newham: Citizens' Assembly on 15 Minute Neighbourhoods (15 Minute Neighbourhoods)
- Newham: Newham Citizens' Assembly "Greening the borough" (Greening Newham)
- Newham: Newham Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- North England: Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury (Climate change and social housing)
- North of Tyne: North of Tyne Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Nottingham: Voice Assembly (Arts & Culture)
- Nottingham: Nottingham Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Oxford: Citizens' Jury on the impact of travel on health and climate change in Oxford (Traffic, health and climate change)
- Oxford: Oxford Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change (Climate Change)
- Pen Llŷn: Pen Llŷn Community Assembly on the Climate (Climate Change)
- Preston: People's Climate Jury (Climate Change)
- Romsey: Romsey Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Shipley: Citizens' Jury on the Climate (Climate Change)
- South Yorkshire Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Southampton: Southampton Citizens' Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Southwark: Southwark Citizens' Jury (Climate Change)
- Todmorden: Todmorden Citizens' Assembly (Future of Todmorden)
- Waltham Forest: Citizens’ Assembly on the Future of Neighbourhood Policing
- Waltham Forest: Waltham Forest Citizens' Assembly (Against Hate)
- Wandsworth: Wandsworth Air Quality Citizens Assembly (Air Quality)
- Warwick: Warwick District people’s climate change inquiry (Climate Change)
- West Midlands:Greener Together Citizens Panel (Fairer, greener and healthier West Midlands)
- Wolverhampton: Wolverhampton Citizens' Assembly (Climate Change)
- Budapest: Budapest Közösségi Gyűlés Közterületeinek és Közlekedésének (Public space and transport)
- Budapest: Budapest Közösségi Gyűlés az Európai Unió Jövőjéről (Budapest's role in the EU)
- Budapest: Közösségi Gyűlés a Klímaváltozásról 2020 (Climate Change)
- Érd: Érdi Közösségi Gyűlés (Sustainable City)
- Miskolc: Miskolci Közösségi Gyűlés (Climate Change)
- Auroville: Citizens' Assembly (Water Supply)
- Dublin: Dublin Citizens' Assembly (Direct election of mayors and local government structures)
State level
- South Tyrol: Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
Local level
- Bologna: Assemblea per il clima (Climate Change)
- Bolzano: Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
- Bulzi: L'Assemblea dei Cittadini di Bulzi (Future of the village)
- Eppan: Citizens' Jury on the future use of the Maria Rast meadows area
- Meran: Citizens' Jury on the redesign of the upper Freiheitsstraße
- Milan: Assamblea Permanente del Cittadini sul Clima (Climate Change)
- Naturns: Citizens' Jury "Ins Dorf innilousn" (Quality of Life, Transport and Design, Diversity and Roots, Politics and Citizens)
- Naturns: Citizens' Jury Naturns (Transport, Community, Youth and Economy/Jobs)
- Schenna: Citizens' Jury "Thinking ahead about mobility in Schenna"
- Schenna: Citizens' Jury on the Village Development Concept
- Ultental: Citizens' Jury Ultental (Construction of a pumped storage power plant)
- Vahrn: Citizens' jury on the use of the site of the former Verdone barracks
- Kawasaki: Climate Assembly Kawasaki 2021
- Musashino City, Tokyo: Climate Assembly Musashino City 2022
- Sapporo: Climate Assembly Sapporo 2020
- Tokorozawa City, Saitama: Climate Assembly Tokorozawa City 2022
Provincial level
- Drenthe: Burgerberadd Drenthe (Housing)
- Fryslân: Burgerberaad "Friese Burgertop" (Future of the Province of Friesland)
- Gelderland: Gelders Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climat Change)
- Zeeland: Burgerberaad "Zorg Zeeland" (Future of care)
- Zuid-Holland: Burgerberaad "G1000 Zuid-Holland" (Future of Zuid-Holland)
Local level
- Almere: Burgerberaad Almere 2050 (Environmental vision 2050)
- Amersfoort: Burgerberaad "G1000Amersfoort" (Future of the city)
- Amersfoort: WijkG1000’en Amersfoort (Future of the Kruiskamp and Zielhorst districts)
- Amsterdam: Burgerberaad Schone Stad (Waste and Recyling)
- Amsterdam: Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climat Change)
- Arnhem: Burgerberaad over afval (Waste reduction)
- Borne: Burgerberaad "G1000 Borne" (Future of the city)
- Brabant: Burgerberaad "Voedsel1000" (Food)
- Coevorden: Burgerberaad "G1000 Coevorden" (Future of the city)
- Deventer: Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climate Change)
- Dronten: Toekomstberaad Toekomstvisie Dronten 2050 (Future vision 2050)
- Eindhoven: Burgerberaad "G1000 Eindhoven" (Future of the city)
- Enschede: Burgerberaad "G1000 Enschede" (Handling fireworks)
- Gemert-Bakel: Burgerberaad "G1000Gemert-Bakel" (Future of the city)
- Haarlem: Burgerberaad Parkeren (Car-park management)
- Haarlem: Burgerberaad " CO2 uitstoot in Haarlem voor 2030" (Carbon reduction)
- Heemstede: Burgerberaad Heemstede (Waste disposal)
- Heerenveen: Burgerberaad "G1000 Heerenveen" (Sustainable city center)
- Heerlen: Burgerberaad Leefbaarheid (Quality of Life)
- Helvoirt: Burgerberaad "G1000 Helvoirt" (Sustainability)
- Hertogenbosch: Burgerberaad "Fijn oud worden" (Growing old well in Hertogenbosch)
- Het Hogeland: Burgerberaad Het Hogeland (Environmental protection)
- Houten: Burgerberaad Energie 2040 (Net Zero)
- Leiden: Burgerberaad Energietransitie (Energy transition)
- Maastricht: Burgerberaad "Omgevingsvisie" (Environmental vision for the city)
- Nieuwegein: Burgerberaad over Zorg (Healthcare)
- Nijmegen: Burgerberaad "G1000 Nijmegen" (Future of the city)
- Rheden: Burgerberaad "G1000 Rheden" (Climate Change)
- Rotterdam: Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climate Change)
- Schagen: Burgerberaad "G1000 Schagen" (Quality of life in the municipality)
- Schiedam: Burgerberaad "G1000 Schiedam" (Waste Policy)
- Sluis: Burgerberaad "G1000 Sluis" (Sustainability)
- Steenwijkerland: Burgerberaad "G1000 Steenwijkerland" (Energy neutrality)
- Texel: Inwonersberaad Energie (Secure Energy Supply)
- The Hague: Burgerberaad Statenkwartier (Climate Change)
- Uden: Burgerberaad "G1000 Uden" (Future of the city)
- Utrecht: Burgerberaad Jaarwisseling (Celebrating the new year)
- Vijfheerenlanden: Inwonersberaad "Sociale Ontmoetingsplaatsen 2030" (Social meeting places)
- Vliedberg: Burgerberaad "G1000Vliedberg" (Sustainability)
- Wassenaar: Burgerberaad Verkeer (Road safety, Liveability, and Accessibility)
- Zaanstreek-Waterland: Burgerberaad "G1000Wonen Zaanstreek-Waterland" (Housing)
- Zeist: Burgerberaad Jaarwisseling (Celebrating the new year)
- Zeist: Inwoners Advies Commissie "Samen in Balans" (Balancing the municipal budget)
- Zoetermeer: Burgerberaad afvalbeleid Zoetermeer (Waste policy)
- Zwolle: Burgerberaad Klimaat (Climate Change)
New Zealand
- Auckland: Citizens Assembly "Watercare"
- Wellington: Citizens' Assembly on the 2024-34 Long-term Plan (Budget)
North Macedonia
- Skopje: Sobranie na graǵani (Air pollution)
- Oslo: Borgerpanel "New Water Ways" (Flooding Management)
- Hillevåg (Stavanger): Ungt Borgerpanel (Youth interests)
- Røros: Innbyggerpanelet "Utvikling av parken ved Nilsenhjørnet" (Development of the park at Nilsenhjørnet)
- Trondheim: Borgerpanel Trondheim (standing citizens' assembly)
- Gdansk: Panel Obywatelski "Aktywności obywatelskiej w Gdańsku" (Citizen participation)
- Gdansk: Panel Obywatelski "Poprawa jakości powietrza" (Improving air quality)
- Gdansk: Panel Obywatelski "Przygotowanie na ulewnych opady deszczu" (Preparation for heavy rain events)
- Krakow: Krakowski Panel Transportowy (Transport)
- Krakow: Krakowski Panel Klimatyczny (Climate Change)
- Łodz: Panel Obywatelski Klimatyczny (Climate Change)
- Lodz: Panel Obywatelski „Zieleń w mieście" (Urban Greenery)
- Lublin: Panel Obywatelski "Mobilność w Strategii Lublin 2030" (Transport)
- Poznan: Panel Obywatelski (Forest and climate change / coal phase-out)
- Rzeszów: Rzeszowski Panel Klimatyczny (Climate Change)
- Warsaw: Warszawski Panel Klimatyczny (Climate Change)
- Wroclaw: Panel Obywatelski (Transport)
- Lisbon: Conselho de Cidadãos “Cidade dos 15 minutos” (15-minute city)
- Lisbon: Conselho de Cidadãos "Alterações Climáticas" (Climate Change)
- Râmnicu Vâlcea: Juriu al Cetățenilor la transportul public local (Public transport)
- Belgrade: Skupština građana Beograda (Expansion of the pedestrian zone)
- Valjevo: Skupština građana Valjeva (Air quality)
South Korea
- Chungnam: Chungnam Provincial Citizens' Jury (carbon-neutralized aquatic food, aquaculture complex, retirement system for farmers)
State level
- Catalonia: Assemblea Ciutadana pel Clima de Catalunya (Climate Change)
Local level
- Barcelona: Asamblea Ciudadana para el Clima (Climate Change)
- Besaya: Jurado Ciudadano del Besaya (Fair and inclusive ecological transition)
- Comunidad Valencia: Convenció ciutadana sobre la salut mental (Mental health)
- Gipuzkoa: Gipuzkoako Herritarren Batzarra Landa-eremua eta Klima (Agriculture and climate)
- Mallorca: Assemblea Ciutadana pel Clima (Climate Change)
- San Sebastian: Mesa de Trabajo Ciudadana Aleatoria (Communication between citizens and city council)
- Tolosa: Herritarren Batzarra Osasun eta Ongizate emozionalaren (Mental health)
Cantonal level
- Canton Aargau: Demoscan (Cantonal citizens' jury on a cantonal referendum)
- Canton Geneva: La Notice Citoyenne (Cantonal citizens' jssembly on a cantonal referendum)
- Canton Geneva: Forum Citoyen (Nature conservation and climate protection)
- Canton Geneva: Demoscan (Cantonal citizens' jury on a cantonal referendum)
Local level
- Aarau: Random Group "Aarau 2034" (City mission statement)
- Basel: Bürgerpanel
- Basel: Panel Citoyen (Citizens' Jury on the referendum on the climate law)
- Bellinzona: Demoscan (local citizens' jury on a national referendum)
- Lausanne: Rencontres citoyennes (Neighbourhood agreement in the Entre Bois district)
- Prilly: Assemblée citoyenne pour le climat (Climate Change)
- Rhône Region: L'Assemblée populaire du Rhône (Protecting the Rhône and its ecosystems)
- Sitten: Demoscan (local citizens' jury on a national referendum)
- Thalwil: Bürgerpanel Klima (Climate Change)
- Uster: Bürgerpanel Klima (Climate Change)
- Winterthur: Bürgerpanel Klimagerechte Ernährung (sustainable nutrition)
- Yverdon-les-Bains: Conseil citoyen pour le climat (Climate Change)
- Slavutych: romadski Asambleyi Slavutych (Improvement in domestic waste disposal)
- Zvyahel: Gromadski Asambleyi Zvyahel (Design of public spaces)
State level
- Arizona: 2016 Citizens Initiative Review (Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act)
- Arizona: 2014 Citizens Initiative Review (Pension reform)
- California: 2018 Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot
- Colorado: 2014 Citizens Initiative Review Pilot (Labeling of GMO foods)
- Massachusetts: 2018 Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot (Law Relative to Patient Safety and Hospital Transparency)
- Massachusetts: 2016 Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot (Safeguards on the operations of marijuana establishments)
- Oregon: 2020 Oregon Citizens' Assembly on COVID-19 Recovery (Tackling the Covid-19 crisis)
- Oregon: Oregon Citizens' Initiative Review
- Washington State: WA Climate Assembly (Climate Change)
Local level
- Deschutes County: Civic Assembly on Youth Homelessness in Deschutes County
- Eugene: Eugene Civic Assembly on Housing Code changes
- Jackson County: 2014 Jackson County Citizens' Initiative Review (Ordinance to Ban Growing of Some ‘Genetically – Engineered’ (defined) Plants)
- Milwaukie: Milwaukie Citizens Assembly on Councilor Compensation
- New York: Borough Assembly Committee 2023 - 2024 (Participatory Budgeting)
- New York: Borough Assembly Committees 2022 - 2023 (Participatory Budgeting)
- Petaluma: 2022 Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel (Future use of the municipal fairground)
- Portland: 2018 Portland Metro-Area Citizens' Initiative Review (Portland Metro Region Affordable Housing Bond)
- Information on earlier citizens' assemblies in the USA can be found here